
王晓丹   Ellen


Ellen Wang

Academic Background

Ellen is a graduate of the University of Glasgow in England, where she studied international business management for four years.

Teaching Experience

Ellen has tutored students in preparation for the IELTS exam for nine years, and she has published her own series of IELTS prep books titled凉月: IELTS Speaking. Ellen has predicted over 90% of the content covered on previous IELTS exams, which she has incorporated into her teaching resources and lessons. As such, Ellen promises that she can adequately prepare you for virtually anything you will see on the exam. Ellen herself has scored an overall score of 8 on the IELTS exam, with a reading sub-score of 9 (perfect score) and writing sub-score of 8.

Teaching Styles

Ellen has developed many of her own methods for preparing for the IELTS exam, such as “Inference Reading,” “Balanced Reading Skills,” “Dual Point Reading Skills,” and “Dual Direction Reading Skills.” Ellen employs many Western teaching styles in her classes, which is a change for many students from the traditional Chinese way of preparing for standardized tests. Ellen guarantees that her test taking strategies will help you score higher on your next IELTS exam. By incorporating her experiences with English culture and Western classroom structure into her lessons, Ellen guarantees that her classes will be both entertaining and educational. After taking lessons with Ellen, many of her students regard her not only as a respectable teacher but also as a friend.
地址:北京市朝阳区高碑店文化新街1704 号 中国油画院
电话:18618434285 刘老师
          18601208167 王老师
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